Colleges & Universities

Universities and colleges – Animating interfaith activity (Interfaith Youth Core)

This curriculum provides a comprehensive, eight-lesson program in interfaith leadership. The goal of the program is to educate youth in the “path of pluralism.” Students learn how to engage positively with members of various religious traditions as well as with people who identify as non-religious. The program includes lessons on the purpose and value of interfaith leadership, core skills of interfaith leadership, and the history of interfaith cooperation in the United States.

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Multifaith Education Resources for Theological schools

Multifaith education presents a unique set of challenges and opportunities for theological educators. This resource, produced by Auburn Seminary in New York, USA, outlines nine pedagogical approaches which have been tested by professional academics. The goal is to educate future generations of religious leaders in accepting, welcoming, and embracing diversity. Also featured here are a bibliography and numerous resources for doing multifaith education both inside and outside the academic realm.
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Guidelines for establishing an Interfaith Studies Program on a university or college campus

In this document, American religious scholar, Dr. Nathan Kollar, outlines the issues involved in establishing an Interfaith Studies Program on a college or university campus. Dr. Kollar proposes a mission statement and explores numerous issues including diversity of views, resources, challenges, risks, support for marginal voices and the encouragement of dialogue rather than diatribe.
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Regis College
Msgr. John Mary Fraser Centre for Practical Theology
100 Wellesley St. W.
Toronto, ON
Canada, M5S 2Z5
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