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2021 Third Annual Scarboro Missions Lecture in Interreligious Dialogue

February 11, 2021 @ 7:30 pm - 9:00 pm

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"Interreligious Dialogue on Ecology:
Pope Francis and Asian Religions on the Protection of the Environment"

This lecture will first summarize Pope Francis's teaching on the care for the Earth, our common home, as expressed in Laudato Si' and Querida Amazonia. Next it will explore how the papal teaching can find support in Asian religions, especially Daoism and Buddhism. It will conclude with reflections on how this interreligious dialogue can be a source of inspiration for our common work for ecojustice.


Professor Peter Phan
The Ignacio Ellacuria , S.J. Chair of Catholic Social Thought
Department of Theology
Georgetown University
Washington D.C.

Michelle Voss Roberts
Principal and Professor of Theology
Emmanuel College of Victoria University at the University of Toronto

Henry Shiu

Assistant Professor of the Shi Wu De
Professorship in Chinese Buddhist Studies
Emmanuel College of Victoria University at the University of Toronto

Via Zoom Video | Free Registration Available Below



February 11, 2021
7:30 pm - 9:00 pm
Event Categories:
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Regis College
Msgr. John Mary Fraser Centre for Practical Theology
100 Wellesley St. W.
Toronto, ON
Canada, M5S 2Z5
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